Black Lives Matter
A call to act, individually and as one
Recent events have encouraged us to look more closely at CEW’s commitment to the Black community. It is clear: we can, we should, and we will do more.
Beginning with reaching out to the Black community for guidance.
We are listening. We are learning. We are putting plans into action.
WE WILL leverage our platforms and events to give Black women more visibility in the beauty industry.
WE WILL provide opportunities for them as thought leaders in our talks, in our recognition programs, and on our Board; to serve as an example for companies to do the same.
WE WILL use our professional network to advance their careers.
WE WILL profile Black business leaders and beauty entrepreneurs in our newsletter, bringing them the attention and recognition they deserve.
WE WILL use our resources, both individually and collectively, to support racial equality and to help promote change.
WE WILL raise awareness and funding for organizations that support racial justice.
Today, we ask all CEW members to join us in donating to Black Lives Matter. This organization is committed to “struggling together and to imagining and creating a world free of anti-Blackness where every Black person has the social, economic, and political power to thrive.”
Any amount helps. We are a community of beauty executives that is 10,000 strong—think of the good we can do if everyone participates.
To give, visit: Black Lives Matter
Stop Asian Hate
CEW is committed to inclusivity. There is no room for hate in our society—or our industry. The rise in crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders [AAPI] is an urgent reminder that we must unite against racism in all its forms. In one recent gruesome act, an Asian woman was beaten while people stood by, watched and did nothing.
CEW strongly urges its Members to take this Bystander Intervention Training Course to learn about five intervention strategies when witnessing an act of Anti-Asian harassment.
CEW Board Member Alicia Yoon, Founder & CEO of Peach & Lily, wrote a compelling and heartbreaking article in Vogue about her fears, hopes and thoughts about being Asian and her commitment to this country. Please read about Alicia’s story here.
To learn more about the stories of Asian beauty executives—and how the beauty industry can help stop these hate crimes—visit CEW’s news site, Beauty News.