Mathilde Thomas, founder of beauty firm Caudalie, has written a book titled, The French Beauty Solution. In it Mathilde shares her insights into the differences between French and American beauty, as well as her time-tested beauty secrets to look and feel beautiful from the inside out, drawing on her experiences growing up in a small village in France. In the book, published by Penguin, Mathilde covers everything from how to use natural ingredients, what foods to eat and how to decode a label on skin care products. She also features DIY recipes and the latest three-day grape detox diet. Here, she has a brief chat with Beauty Insider.
Beauty Insider: Where did you find the time to write a book with running a company simultaneously?
Mathilde Thomas: It was quiet a challenge! Life is about balance. I had to prioritize Caudalie, my family and three kids and The French Beauty Solution. There were many weekends spent just writing but to see the hard copy and have it in my hands is such a rewarding experience. Much of my motivation came from my husband and Caudalie Co-founder, Bertrand Thomas. He inspired me to put the pen to paper and share what I’ve discovered with the world.
BI: Why do think the American way of beauty and the French way are so strikingly different?
MT: Americans are about quick fixes – the elusive products that will instantly solve any beauty problem, even if it hurts. The French approach beauty from what I like to call, The Pleasure Principle. This is the concept that your beauty routine should not only make you look good, but also feel good.
BI: How does Caudalie play into the role of the French way of approaching beauty?
MT: The ingredients in all Caudalie products are derived from the grape and grapevine and only include the best and most natural ingredients available. French women believe that you should invest in good skin care rather than hiding behind a face of makeup and Caudalie products suit their needs very well. Caudalie products are a blend of effective, natural, and luxurious ingredients.
BI: Are you planning a book tour?
We hosted a book signing on Bastille Day at the Caudalie Boutique and visited a few Sephora stores to sign the book as well. Consumers can also purchase a signed copy of the book with an exclusive LOVE tote bag on