Japanese-American fashion magazine The Reality Show is “going nude” to focus on fashion’s greatest accessory: makeup. While it’s hardly uncommon for a fashion magazine to feature makeup, the magazine is approaching it in a fairly unique way: They’ve come up with 10 trends inspired by the latest runway season and modern aesthetics, and brought in five established and contrasting makeup artists to recreate those looks using their own sense of what is beautiful.
The look and feel is very large and high-impact. Rather than being a single-bound piece, the magazine is formatted as a large folder with an introduction to the overall concept, containing five separate but similarly formatted, newspaper-sized issues inside, each focusing on one of the makeup artists and containing two different trends. The goal, Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director Tiffany Godoy said, was to be like a “blog in a book,” so that everyone had their own space to express themselves.
The result is a very up-close look at some really fun and unique makeup looks that aren’t necessarily appropriate for every day, but are striking explorations of modern beauty through the eyes of those who create it.
Images were shot with the Red EPIC camera, which allows for high-definition “moving pictures” for the magazine’s iPad app, due to be released some time in December. The app animates the pictures from the magazine, with models blinking and craning their necks so you can see the looks in action. Refreshingly, all images are virtually untouched, something that participating makeup artist Fulvia Farolfi confirmed with awe when looking at her work on the app and in print.
Models and makeup artists alike are prominently featured, including interviews, favorite products, and unusually, the representing agencies. “People want to be insiders,” Tiffany explained. She wants the magazine to be as much of a documentary on the participants as it is an exploration of self-expression and femininity via makeup.
What’s next for The Reality Show? After a full-beauty focus, Tiffany would like to take the next logical step in featuring the relationship between clothing and makeup, and how the two can be used together. As for the current issue, it will be available for sale at the end of December at select retailers in New York, California, France and Italy, and on the mag’s site, www.therealityshowmagazine.com