Sampling works. Research reveals getting products into people’s hands is one of the top sales drivers in the beauty industry. Gartner L2 reports that close to 50% of all beauty shoppers indicated that a free sample has led them to buy a product.
Up-and-coming indie brands, who might think they can’t afford or access a sampling program, can benefit from tailored options, too. Whether an indie brand is just starting out or has found success, Arcade Beauty can provide a turnkey sampling experience—from strategy to manufacturing to distribution—for both small and large companies.
With over a century of expertise, Arcade Beauty is the global leader of sampling solutions for the beauty industry, offering a wide range of innovative technologies and formats to sample products. Although its roots are in fragrance trials, the company can accommodate samples of any beauty product. Arcade Beauty partners with clients around the world to achieve their strategic objectives: launch products, rejuvenate existing brands, defend market share, enhance the product life cycle and create one-to-one relationships.
New! Social Media Sampling Innovation: Abeo
In tune with market shifts, Arcade Beauty is responding to the need for social media sampling because even in the digital world, trying before buying is key. Their first step was to a launch a digital company, Abeo, to execute social sampling campaigns for their brand partners, offering them the opportunity to reach consumers directly.
Abeo is designed to connect brands with highly-targeted, qualified consumers to seamlessly deliver the right sample to the right consumer. Powered by Arcade Beauty’s rich legacy and passion for sampling innovation, Abeo rounds out a 360-degree automated customizable sampling solution from production to campaign design, and from execution to distribution and reporting. Their recently launched website has more details:
Ideal for Indies: The Smart Sampling Kiosk
Indie brands are making a major impact in the beauty landscape, producing eye-opening sales gains and delivering new customers to the category. New brands need to get their products into consumers’ hands without the luxury of mega-marketing budgets.
Arcade Beauty offers a new digital sampling kiosk program in conjunction with Vengo Labs. The kiosks not only capture a highly engaged audience, but collect actionable marketing data and drive strategic, attributable product trial. Arcade Beauty holds the exclusive distribution rights for Vengo in the beauty industry.
Sampling Made Simple
Arcade Beauty also developed Sampling Made Simple, a unique low-minimum, high-quality, customized sampling platform that offers emerging brands an opportunity to sample their fragrance easily, without the worry of high costs and high quantity requirements.
Questions and Answers with Larry Berman, Senior Vice President Sales, North America at Arcade Beauty
CEW: Why is sampling important to fledgling beauty brands?
Larry Berman: Thousands of new products are launched each year. For new brands, sampling helps to create brand awareness and develop relationships with consumers who may otherwise be unaware of their product.
CEW: Beyond sampling, what are other advantages to working with Arcade Beauty?
L.B.: Arcade Beauty is a trusted partner to the beauty industry. While the company’s foundation is in sampling & sampling technology, we have continued to evolve to expand our offerings to meet the needs of our clients. We have built a digital business to put samples directly into consumers’ hands via social media and offer an array of retail solutions, now including sample vending technology.
CEW: What are your goals for 2020?
L.B.: Our goal is to continue to serve the needs of our clients and our ever-evolving industry, as an agile partner. We have some exciting new projects on the horizon.
Arcade Beauty, Your Smart Sampling Partner – –