Veronique Gabai-Pinsky developed the scent that made fragrance history, Aqua di Gio, which remains a Top Three seller 15 years after it was launched. Veronique, global president of Aramis and Designer Fragrances, Beauty Bank and Idea Bank for the Estée Lauder Companies, shares her rules for creating winners.
- Luxury must be anchored in more than branding. The luxury story needs to be told with passion and high levels of service.
- Fight for the experience of fragrance. A meaningful fragrance is the starting condition for success but after that it needs presentation that yields “an extra little touch” that makes a user feel special.
- Go with your instincts. Take a risk if your gut says so, get inspired by insights and always take a “deep dive.” And don’t trust developing a fragrance to market research: it can’t measure the immeasurable, such as an idea that doesn’t need explanation but is compelling enough to be intriguing and inspiring, a winning combination.
- Don’t treat fragrance as a commodity. Don’t give it away. Consumers will return to scents that provide true value. The quality and craftsmanship of juice should be protected and respected.
- Don’t live on trends and now moments. Now is over, you want to see the future. You never know when you are going to create a classic but don’t look at a launch and say “Yes, that is going to last for one year.”