Self-care is all about taking care of yourself and your needs. Whether it’s mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or social, everyone has needs that tend to get neglected once the inbox starts filling up. However, self-care is fast becoming a responsibility: If stress is fire, self-care is the hydrant preventing life from going up in smoke.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, compiled a list of each state’s most googled self-care activity. Results show that 20 states are googling “sleep” the most—that’s 40% of the country. Experts recommend at least seven hours of sleep a night for “optimal health in adults.”
- Vermont proved to be the state most concerned with mental health as there was a six-way tie among activities (watching a movie, gardening, yoga, baking, mindfulness, and meditation).
- Florida, Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts residents like to treat themselves with the tried-and-true mani-pedi therapy.
- Minnesotans are sometimes stereotypically called “Minnesota nice”—in other words, non-confrontational courteous, and restrained. Minnesotans would probably give you the shirts off their backs. Fittingly, their most googled self-care activity is setting boundaries.
- Mississippi googled “singing” the most as their self-care activity. Interestingly, the state is home to some of the greatest singers/musicians of all time: BB King, Elvis Presley, and . . . Lance Bass.
- Is scrubbing the toilet the first idea that comes to mind when you think of self-care? If so, you might live in Idaho, where the most googled activity is cleaning. Yes, cleaning.
- Go figure, Coloradoans turn to nature more than any other state for self-care. Who can blame them when the Rockies are their backyard.
- In New York, home of the Yankees, locals love burning candles for self-care.
To see the full report, click here.