Why is CEW membership important to you?
I have been a member of CEW for many years and can in no way put a value on the wonderful benefits I have experienced. I always tell people when asked about CEW … that I have seen CEW help build brands, build supplier/brand relationships, build careers, and build many friendships! CEW is an organization that is functional in many aspects and supports the beauty industry on every level.
Using the resources available to the members for networking is a huge asset however the information and support that comes with membership is invaluable.
Recently during the pandemic, CEW has gone above and beyond to support our industry offering discounted membership and no charge webinars among many other supportive tools. The organization did an amazing job of pivoting very quickly to online events transitioning our annual Beauty awards (among other events) seamlessly. As a supplier and sponsor, I was prepared to be disappointed in the awards due to the lack of opportunity to be with my guests however the reverse happened. My guests and I had a great day together and the program did not disappoint!
I encourage everyone seeking advice whether it be a new career opportunity (using the career resources, looking for a supplier/consultant or simply advise to log on and enter the community which supports the beauty industry like no other organization can or has. Recently an industry colleague called me seeking resources for an issue he was internally facing he said he called me “to activate the Liz network” this network he referred to is greatly due to my years in CEW.
Do you have any tips for getting the most out of CEW membership?
My first tip is to join the community get active, make your presence relevant. Perhaps join a chat, attend an event, or join a webinar. Reach out to the members in the member directory. I have never not gotten a reply to an inquiry that I have sent to a member. I have used the member directory throughout my career, and I would reach out for advice or opportunity for business. CEW members have never let me down, if the answer was not one they could provide personally, then another resource was almost always given to me. The CEW community is vital in my opinion to help pave the path to a successful journey in beauty.
I have always encouraged my team members to join and attend the events. Take advantage of your resources because you own your own story.
What do you love most about working in the beauty Industry?
I am second generation in the beauty business, and I have a daughter who is now third generation. The beauty industry has given us so much opportunity it is our pleasure to give back and be leaders in this industry that we are so very attached to. I continue to mentor and help support anyone who reaches out and seeks a desire to join the industry or grow in a different direction. The beauty industry is one which has many opportunities for growth and challenges. I like to say, “it has a diversified cast of characters at all times”. Having a mother who was in the industry and extremely passionate about it, I have great knowledge of history and growth of this industry. Throughout my childhood and early college years, I had the opportunity to see the beauty industry thrive and grow. I love the industry because it is a “small Global family.” I have been fortunate to travel throughout the evolution of globalization in my career which has provided opportunities that have given me firsthand insight into new product categories, (IE: K beauty) and multi-cultural business opportunities. This has provided me with an education in beauty that could not have been learned or taught anywhere. I have watched and supported the growth of INDIE brands and the evolution of acquisitions by global giants of some of those indie brands. Having had the opportunity to support the integration process as well identifying white space in product categories and scouting the globe for innovation in beauty is one of my passions. Today my most personal relationships are previous or current clients, suppliers, or colleagues or maybe the hotel concierge in Bologna, Italy at the annual Cosmoprof show. My social and business life are well balanced and blended. I am dedicated to giving back to an industry that has given me and my family so very much. These relationships I speak of have continued to thrive throughout the pandemic via we chat, WhatsApp, and zoom. I miss the personal connections face to face, but I am so grateful to the industry that is continuing to support each other through these challenges. Sheencolor USA is open now in New jersey and innovating, looking ahead into this industry and ready to embrace and support all the unique Brands currently in and entering this very unique global industry.
What do you feel is the most important quality for someone to possess in order to have a successful career?
I believe transparency would be among my top three answers to an important quality leading to a path of success.
Being transparent in business is an attribute that people value. Companies want to work with transparency in their supply chain. Brands want to show transparency in their development process, and all of these are good business practices. However, when I speak of transparency for me personally, as a quality, I believe transparency in who you are, what your values are and knowing your roots show your true character. Relating to people identifying with others and not comparing are key attributes to building success. A strong work ethic, perseverance and determination are all critical. My mother has ingrained in all 5 of her children to NEVER NEVER EVER GIVE UP! This is what we pass along to the next generation and how I lead my teams…. There is always a way!