Resources for Women Leading Small Beauty Businesses
CEW is a global beauty community of more than 10K members. Nearly 15% of our constituency is comprised of independent businesses, a majority of which are founded by women. While this global pandemic has impacted every business, large and small, many female founded small companies may not recover…That is, unless we offer our help…
Join CEW in our #Fight4FemaleFounders, the spirited entrepreneurs who bring innovation and heart to our industry.
CEW is providing access to business experts, timely information and valuable resources, for FREE. We are connecting founders with top business leaders for legal and financial advice, for FREE. We are hosting virtual discussion forums to encourage ideation and networking, ALL FOR FREE.
The beauty industry is celebrated for its connectedness and its benevolence.
CEW feels NOW is the time to support our own.
Today’s legacy beauty brands had humble beginnings with brave and visionary founders.
When we #Fight4FemaleFounders, we join hands in continuing that history.
As always, you can depend on CEW’s resources including; Beauty News, Webinars (both upcoming and archived), special reports and member benefits.
CEW Small Business Advisory Program
CEW has launched a new program connecting small businesses to expert advisors in the beauty industry. Advisors are generously offering their time and services to support CEW’s small businesses community throughout this uncertain time. Connect with an advisor.
Meet 3 Fighting Female Founders
Female Founders from across the industry share what’s happening to them and how they are moving forward during COVID-19.
Small Business Resources and Information
If you need to understand how your bank can help:
The Resource: The American Bankers Association
The Details: The American Bankers Association is actively maintaining a list of banks who have publicly responded with next steps responding to needs of small and large business owners:
To Access: See list here
If you need to find information in your city and state:
The Resource: Many local governments are continuing to support small businesses even, after they begin to reopen.
The Details: See below for a list of local resources
To Access: New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver
If you need to understand reopening guidelines for business:
The Resource: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The Details: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce created the Path Forward Initiative to help small businesses navigate reopening.
To Access: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
If you need to find essential tax information:
The Resource: The IRS
The Details: Stay up-to-date on tax implications for business and individuals.
To Access: IRS Coronavirus website
The Resource: U.S. Treasury Department
The Details: The Treasury Department released guidelines and an application in mid-May to help businesses convert PPP loans into grants.
To Access: U.S. Treasury Department
If you need to find small business grants from companies and unions:
The Resource: The Freelancer’s Union
The Details: Independent contractors and freelancers may still apply for funding through the Freelancer’s Relief Fund
To Access: Apply here
The Resource: Kiva
The Details: Kiva has expanded its loan granting capabilities throughout the U.S.
To Access: Apply here
The Resource: AABRS
The Details: A guide to Small Business Grants available to Female Entrepreneurs
To Access: View the guide here
If you need to assess overall potential impact to your business:
The Resource: PwC
The Details: PwC created a digital assessment tool to help understand the potential impact to your business in crisis management, workforce, finance & liquidity and other operational areas.
To Access: Apply here
If you need trusted business guidance and resources.
The Resource: SCORE
The Details: SCORE is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship
To Access: Visit the SCORE website
If you need to find resources for diversity-owned businesses:
The Resource: National LGBT Chamber of Commerce, Unites States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, United States Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce
The Details: Many organizations offer specific support for minority- and women-owned businesses. We will continue to update.
To Access: National LGBT Chamber of Commerce; United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce;United States Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce
The Resource: Hello Alice
The Details: Hello Alice is offering grants to small businesses, with a focus on Hispanic-owned businesses.
To Access: Apply here
The Latest Beauty News
Beauty News is the industry’s go-to website and newsletter reporting on brand, retail and executive news. Currently, a focus on COVID-19 related news and how it is affecting the beauty industry is priority.
Have a resource you think will help our CEW community? Contact us to share!