Brand: Thirteen Lune
Founders: Nyakio Grieco and Patrick Herning
Sales: $1 million to $5 million (estimate)
Distribution: The online retailer currently sells more than 25 brands including but not limited to Vernon Francois, Bomba Curls, Buttah, Lauren Napier Beauty and Gilded Body.
Launch History/Unique Proposition: Thirteen Lune launched in December 2020, initially with 13 brands that were founded by Black and brown people. Now the site is growing to also include all brands.

2021 Goals: Thirteen Lune plans to utilize beauty as a tool to unite and unify rather than as a way to divide. The goal is to build out the brand matrix to be exemplary of true inclusivity. Also, the company desires to increase the storytelling inherent to beauty and how it brings people together through a forthcoming podcast and more media properties.
What are you hoping the Biden/Harris administration will bring to the business world over the next four years: Nyakio said the Biden/Harris administration represents inclusivity in a way the country has never seen before. She and Patrick are optimistic that having this type of representation in the highest office of the country will lead to more inclusivity across all industries. “As the first inclusive beauty retail disruptor we are grateful to be on the right side of history,” she said.